TILE and GPS – Lost Keys in a Cemetery. Located my keys with TILE and my phone’s GPS

Find your keys with TILE, even in a cemetery
Find your keys with TILE, even in a cemetery

Neat device for your Grave Care Business.

Have you ever misplaced your keys? Recently, when I was working in a local cemetery, I misplaced my keys by leaving them on a tombstone. By the end of the day I had visited dozens of gravesites and my keys were nowhere to be seen. I had to retrace my steps through the cemetery.

There is a company called TILE that make a device to which you can attach your keys. The device uses the cell phone’s Bluetooth and GPS capabilities to help you find your keys should you ever lose them. I have used TILE for a few weeks and I am very pleased with the results…..enough so that I wanted to share the technology with you. While I admit that the technology is not a PERFECT solution, tile is well worth the $25 they are charging for each device.

Below is an Amazon.com associate link where you can purchase your own TILE. If you use it with success, please let us know.


TILE is just one of the tools we use in our Grave Care Business. IF you have ever thought about starting your own grave care business, we have developed a course that will help you start, grow, and operate your own successful Grave Care Business. Check our main website via the link below:

Grave Care Business Course

Cemetery Time Lapse Video

Cemetery Timelapse with Clouds, Snow, and Grave Monument Shadows

Often, while I’m working in a cemetery, I will set my camera and let the video roll.

Cemeteries are such peaceful places and I find a slow rolling time lapse captures the placid nature of beautiful grave yards.  If you enjoy my time lapses, please give me a “like” or share my video on Facebook.  I enjoy being able to share my love of cemeteries.

In this time lapse, you can see the shadow from a grave marker move across snow covered ground.  We experienced an 8″ snow fall this week and, as always, I made my way to several of the local cemeteries to check on familiar grave sites.

While operating my grave care business, I enjoy being able to spend lots of time exploring local cemeteries (even when it snows).  If you have an interest in cemeteries and have ever thought about operating your own business, a Grave Care Services Company might be perfect for you.  Read more about our grave care business course on our main webpage.  Click the “Grave Care Business” link above.

Grave Care and Cemetery Maintenance – Looking ahead to 2018

grave yard sun set
Grave Yard Sunset

Sunset In The Cemetery – After a Most Peaceful Day’s Work.

Today (January 5, 2015), the first work day of the new year, I found myself engulfed in projects I’ve been promising and goals I have wanted to accomplish since early December. Time passed seamlessly and before I knew the day was drawing to a close I looked up to see a most beautiful sunset.

The new year is a chance to refresh and renew and to set goals to accomplish.

In this new year, I know you have many goals of your own to accomplish. I would love to year your main goal. Is it to become more physically fit? Start eating right? Make more money? Find work you enjoy? Start your own business?

If you have read through this website, you have learned that we offer a professionally produced Grave Care Business Course. This course is designed to help you start and operate your own successful Grave Care Business. The course has recently been updated and it is a perfect way for you to start the new year.

If you love cemeteries and have ever though about start a business providing these services, this course is perfect for you. We monitor this site daily and we will ship your parcel as soon as we receive your order.

Grave Care Business – Three Course Levels

Please let us know if you have any questions. We are always happy to help.

Grave Care for Autumn and Winter 2014

Grave Care this autumn will keep your business clients happy.

Grave Care in October, November, and December will make money for your business and keep your grave care clients happy.

Autumn is in full swing and grave care clients are mainly interested in Autumn Cemetery Cleanup, Tombstone Cleaning, Pre-Winterization Services, and Floral Grave Decorations for the upcoming holiday season.

September and October are behind us now and the warm early autumn days are slowly turning to blustery chilly afternoons as the sun dips lower on the horizon and winter approaches steadily. Still, even as the days become shorter, there is plenty of work to do in your local cemetery. We like to think of November as a breathing period before a very busy December making sure family gravesites are fully prepared for the holidays of December.

It is fun leaving a cemetery full of well maintained gravesites.

When families come to visit for the holidays, they are excited to see their loved-ones’ grave plots well cared for and they are able to pay their respects with a clear conscience that they have honored their family’s memories and done their part to maintain the respect their loved-ones deserve.

If you have ever thought about starting a Grave Care Business, our company has produced a comprehensive Grave Care Business Course designed to help you start and grow your own Grave Care Business. We offer 3 course levels and believe you will be very pleased with the amount of information, instruction, tutorials, video training, and business tools.

Please click this link: to learn more and to order the Grave Care Business Course.

Let us know if you have questions concerning the grave care course.
We love cemeteries and are always happy to help.

Grave Care Business – Work Van

Grave Care Work Van
A functional work vehicle will increase the money you make in your business.

Grave Care Business – a versatile business vehicle will help you make more money in your grave care business.

Hi Everyone:

I added a new Grave Care Business work van last month.

This van has already positively improved my effectiveness working in cemeteries. If you are thinking about starting your own Grave Care Business, proper vehicle selection will help your business run smoother and more profitably.

Functionality is one of the reasons I chose this van. In addition to professional appearance and proper service, the work van adds functionality to my business. Last week, I had a small landscaping job and the van proved its functionality. This job included hauling and spreading straw over a newly landscaped plot. Straw provides erosion control. I was not driving my company’s work truck when I needed the straw. So, instead of heading back to the office for the work truck, I simply stowed the seats in the back of the van and loaded the straw through the rear hatch.

Grave Care Business owners often have the need for functional vehicles. We often carry straw, tomb stone cleaning materials, or floral decorations. Owning a functional and versatile business vehicle greatly improves effectiveness in business operations.

Have you ever thought about starting your own grave care business? Whether you want to provide plot maintenance, tombstone cleaning, or other grave care services, our professionally produced Grave Care Business Course will help you start & grow your own Grave Care Business.

For more information on the course, please visit our main website by clicking this link:

Grave Care Business

Grave Care – Business Vehicle Selection

Hi All:

Keith here from GraveCareBusiness.com

Proper vehicle selection for your Grave Care Business will make a huge difference in the functioning and profitability of your business. Our Grave Care Business Instruction Course includes a Vehicle Buyer’s Guidebook to help you choose the correct vehicle for your business.

The correct business vehicle does not have to cost a lot of money. In fact, we outline great strategies in acquiring a great affordable business vehicle that will bring in more money for your business than it costs.

As part of our regular podcast, I filmed this quick segment to introduce the idea of proper business vehicle selection for people who are performing grave care, cemetery plot maintenance, and tombstone cleaning:

Subscribe to our YouTube Channel and check back to our website regularly for updates.

We are passionate about cemeteries and are always happy to help you start your own Grave Care Business


Grave Flowers for Mother’s Day

Cemetery Care on Mother's Day
Grave Flowers and Decorations for Mother’s Day

Grave Side Flowers and Decorations for Mother’s Day.
Start a Grave Care Business.

Mother’s Day is May 10, 2015. Most families will celebrate Mother’s day by buying flowers or taking their Moms out to lunch. Families who have lost their Mom’s want to pay respect to them and many families visit their Moms’ gravesites and take flowers for decoration.

Unfortunately, many adult children have moved away from their childhood hometowns and they are no longer able to visit their Moms’ gravesites. Still, they want to pay respect by bringing flowers or performing the types of maintenance that most cemetery companies do not offer. Detailed landscaping work (other than just mowing the grass) and gravestone cleaning are two of the services many cemetery companies do not offer. However, many grave care businesses do provide these services and right now is a very busy time for them.

Grave care is a niche business and most grave care business owners offer plot maintenance, floral decorations, and grave stone cleaning. Special days such as Mother’s Day, Memorial Day, and Father’s Day offer unique opportunities for grave care business owners. By offering the services that grave care customers desire, an entrepreneur can make a great deal of money operating a successful grave care business.

We love cemeteries and have helped many people start successful grave care businesses. If you have ever wanted to start a grave care business, we have developed a comprehensive Grave Care Business Course designed to help you start and grow your own grave care business.

For more information about the Grave Care Business Course, visit our description page by clicking below:

How to Start and Grow a Successful Grave Care Business

Grave Care Business Now Shipping to England, Scotland, Ireland

Our readers in England, Scotland, and Ireland also want to know how to start their own Grave Care Businesses.

Grave Care Business now shipping to England and all of Great Britain

Though the business program available through GraveCareBusiness.com is primarily developed for an American audience, many British entrepreneurs are expressing interest in starting their own Grave Care Business.

We have received a number of emails the last few months from inquisitive readers all over the world. Our readers in England, Scotland, and Ireland also want to know how to start their own Grave Care Businesses.  Our overseas readers are interested in our work with gravesites and cemeteries  and want to learn how they, too, can start their own Grave Care Business.

Our Grave Care Business program is generally designed for American entrepreneurs wishing to start their own businesses.  Rules governing business registration and licensing, accounting and financial procedures, and other business practices may be slightly different in the United States than in the British Isles.  However, since the basic strategies and tactics of operating a Grave Care Business in Great Britain do not differ significantly than operating one in the United States we have decided to make our business program available overseas.

If you live in Great Britian and you wish to order the Grave Care Business program, we do request that you use the link below to place your order.

Alternately, you may call us on the telephone and order directly with your Credit Card.  If you don’t wish to make the long distance phone call, we are happy to call you.  Simply send us an email at:  info@GraveCareBusiness.com    Be sure to include your complete phone number and we will call you at a time that is suitable for you.

To order directly from this page, use the link below:

If you have any trouble ordering, please let us know:  Contact Information

Springtime in a Cemetery – Vernal Equinox 2014

spring cemetery
The exact moment of springtime – 2014

The exact moment of the Vernal Equinox in a cemetery – March 20, 2014.

Hi everyone. I just want to quickly jump online and write a short note. According to the great website www.TimeAndDate.com the Vernal Equinox happened at 12:57 PM today March 20, 2014.

I happened to be in a cemetery at that moment and took this picture. The grass is still a bit brown but trees are flowering and birds are chirping as the sun’s apparent location in the sky heads northward. Though there’s still a nip in the air, our temperatures will be rising for the forthcoming few months.

If you love cemeteries, like I do, you might be interested in starting your own Grave Care Business. Providing grave care allows you to make a great income by doing plot maintenance, floral decorations, tombstone cleaning, and many other similar services. You also get to meet wonderful people who are thankful that you are providing these services for their loved ones’ gravesites. Best of all; you get to do this work in beautiful surroundings of peaceful cemeteries.

The link below shows you how you can start your own Grave Care Business. We have developed a professionally produced Grave Care Business course that teaches you practically everything you could want to know about starting your own Grave Care Business.

Have a great spring. Let me know if you have any questions.



A Snowy Cemetery

I was looking through some of my videos from the winter of early 2014 and found this neat driving video.

The scene is one of our local cemeteries and since we don’t often receive much snow here, I wanted to remember the serene, quiet beauty. Soon, it will be summer and 100 degree temperatures will make us long for winter’s chill.

Enjoy this. If you love cemeteries, drop me a quick note on the video or “thumbs up” and “share” it with other.