Grave Care Business

Start A Grave Care
Maintenance Business

Grave Care Business Course
Learn how to start and operate your own successful
Grave Care Business.

October 2024 – Autumn Grave Care

Autumn is a perfect time to start your Grave Care Business.

Grave Care Business Course – turn your love of cemeteries (grave plot maintenance, gravestone cleaning, floral decorations, and more) into your very own Grave Care Business.

Let us know if you have questions. We ship promptly via USPS Priority Mail.

– Keith

The Grave Care Business Instruction Course teaches you how to start, operate, and grow your own Grave Care Business.  The Full Course is only $259.95.  Read below for information and ordering instructions.  We ship promptly.

If you are passionate about cemeteries,
a GRAVE CARE BUSINESS is perfect for you.

Start a Grave Care Business
with our professionally developed business course.

Let’s start by answering a few questions.

What is a Grave Care Business?”

A Grave Care Maintenance Business offers service to people who want extra care given to their loved-ones’ grave sites.
Some examples are:
 – Floral Decorations
 – Plot Maintenance,
 – Complete Cemetery Upkeep
 – Tombstone Cleaning,
 – Cemetery Mapping,
 – Cemetery Photography and Videography,
plus many other services.

The Grave Care Business Course teaches you how to do these services properly and make good money with your Grave Care Business.

Grave Care is an easy to start small business. You will learn how to start your business and grow your client list quickly.

Below are just a few examples of the many tutorials you will find in the Grave Care Business Course.

Learn how to provide season plot maintenance, erosion control, mowing, seeding, &
general grounds maintenance.

Learn how to make great money placing Grave Side Floral Decorations.  The opportunities for this side of the business are immense.
(Easter, Mother’s Day, Christmas, Anniversaries, Birthdays, and More)

Tombstone & Gravestone Cleaning is a VERY important part of this business.  If you decide to offer this service, your clients will pay great money for properly cleaned gravestones.
This is very rewarding work.

tombstone_resetThe course includes a fantastic introduction to tombstone maintenance.  As your business grows you will improve your tombstone repair knowledge increasing the services you can offer your clients.

Is Grave Care an easy business to start?”

With very little competition and tremendous customer demand, this is an excellent start-up business with long-term potential. Our goal is for you to be in successful operation of your business within 30 days.

Why are you offering this program? What is your experience?”

The reason we are offering this program is because we are passionate about cemeteries.  There are too many under-maintained cemeteries.  Families of people buried in those cemeteries are desperate for someone they can depend on.

We first started by offering plot maintenance services.  Since then, our experience with grave sites has expanded into many areas.  Plot maintenance,
floral decorations, tombstone cleaning, & entire cemetery upkeep are all services requested by customers.

What is included with the Grave Care Business course?”

The Grave Care Business Course teaches you practically everything you need to know to start, grow, & expand your Grave Care Business.
Below is a list of some of the topics and business tools included with the program:

Business Startup:

We’ll Teach You:
– How to set up your business
– About Business Licenses, Insurance, Permits, Financing, Tools
– The important services to offer your clients. (Plot Maintenance, Gravestone Cleaning, Grave Decorations, and more.)
– How much MONEY to charge for your services and how to build a large client base.
– PROPER protocols for working in cemeteries.


Services To Offer Customers:

You can offer one or more of these services:
Plot Maintenance, Grave Decorations, Flower Delivery, Tombstone Cleaning, Message Delivery, Sitting Services, Photography & Videography, and many others.  We cover all of these (and several more) in the program.

Note:  We also show you several areas of the business to avoid.  Some services turn into bigger headaches than they are worth.  We know this from experience.   We’ll share an inside perspective on which services to avoid, and why.


Marketing & Advertising:

As you can imagine, advertising should be handled very respectfully.  The marketing sections within the course teach you how build a very strong client base with respectful advertising.


Customer Agreements:

Are you focusing on individual customers or are you hoping to bid contracts for whole-cemetery care?  The course includes a very informative chapter on customer agreements.  The “Full Version” of the Grave Care Business Course includes an expanded section on Customer Agreements.


Pricing Guidance:

As mentioned above, pricing is a difficult concept to understand on your own.
If you price your services too high, you will lose customers.  If you price too low you will lose money.  Our pricing manual gives you a firm understanding of how to price your services properly.

Estimating Software – The “EXTENDED” and “FULL” versions of the program include estimating software to help you develop a strong pricing strategy.


Business Toolkit:

The program includes a large business toolkit including:
Forms, Worksheets, Checklists, Business Letters, Contract Agreement
Examples, Bidding and Proposal Forms, and Much More.



We are passionate about cemeteries and always happy to offer guidance.  Once you purchase the course, let us know if you have any questions or need other guidance.



We offer three versions of the Grave Care Business course.
For complete information on everything that is included in each course,
please visit our “Course Overview” page.

We are passionate about cemeteries and want to help you get started.
Click the link below to order.

Grave Care Business Course!