Springtime Grave care for April – May 2019

Spring is the perfect time to jump-start your own Grave Care Business.

Although the nights are still slightly chilly, daytime sunshine and warmth tell us that springtime is here.

With the change in season comes an increased need for work in your local cemeteries. Plot maintenance, gravestone cleaning, and floral decoration change-outs are much needed services right now.

If you already own a Grave Care Business, you are probably looking for ways to really jump-start your business and get the money really rolling in again. Springtime is the perfect opportunity for you to get a big boost in revenue.

We recommend visiting all of your current clients and the grave sites that you already maintain. Check for issues that cropped up over the winter months such as plot maintenance issues (drainage, erosion, etc.)
or damage that might have occurred to the gravestones. Often, during the winter and spring, weather and high winds cause branches to drop from trees onto grave markers.

Sometimes, there is no damage to the gravestones and you simply need to perform a plot cleanup. Other times, heavy branches can cause damage that you will have to assess.

Keep notes as you make your rounds of your current clients. Then, at the end of the day, take a few minutes to contact your clients and let them know of what is needed for their loved-ones grave sites.

Our Grave Care Business Course gives you great “Customer Contact” tools to help you with these tasks.

If you haven’t, yet, started your Grave Care Business, spring is a perfect time to start. I invite you to read through our website to learn about the Grave Care Business Course that will help you start and grow your very own Grave Care Business.

If you ever have any questions, please let us know. We love cemeteries and are always happy to help.


Grave Care Business in 2019

Grave care has many facets. Plot maintenance, tombstone cleaning, and floral decoration placement are 3 services that can be offered.

I recently received a call from a lady who is ready to make a change in her life for the new year. As a Christmas present to herself, she purchased the Grave Care Business Course. She wants to learn about the business, use the guide to help her set up her own business, and begin getting customers in time to place Valentine’s Day grave floral decorations.

Cemeteries are my passion and I love helping people who want to start their own grave care businesses.

Grave care has many facets. Plot maintenance, tombstone cleaning, and floral decoration placement are 3 services that can be offered. Additionally, there are many other services that family members want for their loved-ones’ grave sites. Our business program teaches you how to perform these services, how to deal with cemetery management, and learn how much money to charge your clients.

Building a client list is one of the most important things you can do in the early stages of your business. Grave care is, obviously, a very delicate business. Your clients are entrusting you with a task that is very important to them. Our business course handles this subject with care. It is a very respectful and very rewarding business.

If you have ever thought about starting your own Grave Care Business, please read through our website to see what we have to offer.

If you have questions, feel free to get in touch via phone or email on our contact page. 

Cemeteries are my passion. If you’re ready to make a change in your life in 2019 by starting your own business, I think you will be very pleased with the amount of information, tutorials, and business tools included in the Grave Care Business Course.

The Full Version is only $259.95. Order directly through our order page and we will make sure your parcel is mailed out promptly.

Thank you – Keith


Winter Grave Care Tips for your Grave Care Business

Grave Christmas Decoration

WINTER IS A Good Time To Start Your Grave Care Business

A week ago, I was working in a local cemetery in shorts and a short sleeved shirt. Today, I’m hunkered down in a leaf-strewn cemetery wondering if we will have any warm days before spring arrives. Well, one thing that is an absolute certainty is springtime WILL eventually arrive. When it does arrive, there will be plenty of customers and lots of demand for your grave care business services. However, until then, we have a couple months of winter weather before us.

Southern states with warmish weather can operate Grave Care Business year-round. For everyone in the northern states (and Canada), winter does bring a challenge. Although it is a bit difficult operating a Grave Care Business during the depths of winter, there are a few saving graces that will carry you through and keep money rolling in. Christmas is in December. This month brings you many customers who want their loved-ones’ grave sites spruced up for the Christmas season. Pre-winter plot maintenance and Christmas Grave Decoration placement will keep you busy. December can be a prime earning month as there is a lot of income potential.

Grave Care Business Opportunities in December and January and February

January will probably be a bit slower for requests for grave care services. However, I normally think of the first month in the new year as a time to begin preparing contract agreements and price bids for new clients. The preparation work you do in January will pay HUGE dividends once spring rolls around. Current and new clients will appreciate your diligence during the winter months. Also, you should remember that Valentine’s Day is in February. Many, Many people want Valentine’s Grave Decorations placed on Valentine’s Day.

In addition to Christmas and Valentine’s day floral decorations placed on Gravestones, we’ve noticed grave blankets placement is once again gaining popularity. Additionally, gravestone Christmas present decoration is something many parents like to do for children who have passed away. I believe this is a real psychological comfort to parents who have lost a child. This act of giving allows them to share Christmas at a time of year when they are truly heartbroken.

As passionate as I am about cemeteries and as interested as I am in helping people operate their own Grave Care Businesses, I never lose site of the fact that grave care is an act of caring that families WANT to do for their loved-ones. Services such as plot maintenance, tombstone cleaning, and grave decoration help families deal with the loss. It helps them heal. It keeps them connected.

By providing grave care, you are truly helping people and they are grateful for the services you provide.

If you have ever thought about starting your own Grave Care Business, please read through our website. We have developed a professionally produced grave care business training course designed to help you start and operate your own grave care business.

Merry Christmas!

Grave Care Business Training Course

Delayed Shipping Discount

Hi Everyone:

I’m writing this post on August 03, 2019.

As of tomorrow, August 04, 2019, we will be on a Cemetery Research trip out of the country.

Because we will be outside of the U.S., it will be very difficult for us to ship the Grave Care Business Course materials.  We would love for you to order the course and will ship it as soon as we return.

To make up for the inconvenience of this delayed shipping, we are offering 10% off the price of all orders for the Grave Care Business Course between now and August 14, only.

We normally take a trip 1 time per year to study cemeteries in a foreign country.  These educational trips allow us to continually expand our knowledge of cemeteries and their proper care.  We love cemeteries and we attempt to keep our course materials fresh by continuously researching new methods of grave care.

Once we return to the U.S., your package will be shipped promptly.

If you have any questions, please use our website contact form.  We will answer your questions as soon as we are able.

Use the ordering buttons below to receive the discounted price.

Basic Version – Regular Price $69.95

Extended Version – Regular Price $149.95

Software Selection

Full Package – Regular Price $259.95

Software Selection

Grave Care Business – July 2017

Grave Care Business owners should understand the power of increasing their businesses and building their client lists during July.

July is a pivotal month for Grave Care Business owners.  It’s important for you to understand the power of July in starting and/or expanding your business.

2017 is flying by.  Six months are down and there are another six months to go before the end of the year.  While the first day of July is a milestone (halfway through the year), the importance of July comes from the fact that your efforts this month will guide your business for the rest of the year.

Grave care maintenance is in full swing right now.  Grave site maintenance (mowing & landscaping), floral placements, and gravestone cleaning are in big demand right now.  However, the end of summer is right around the corner.  Then autumn will follow closely behind.  I have always found that efforts I make in July to develop my client list for end-of-summer services have a big and positive effect in the coming months.   However, I’ve found that if I delay until August, it’s difficult to build the same excitement in a customer base than if I started in July.

I do not know why this seems to be true.  However, it’s something I first noticed many years ago when I was studying marketing and human psychology in school.  I theorize that by mid-July, people are beginning to tire of summer.  However, they don’t realize it yet…it’s subliminal.

Why is this important for Grave Care Business owners?  This is an easy answer.  End-of-summer grave care and Autumn grave care is very important for this business.  There is a lot of money to be made during this time and this is a great time to increase your client base.

The take-away is this: the efforts you make in July will have very positive effects for your business in the coming months and for the rest of the year.  “Don’t delay. Start today.”

The Grave Care Business package is packed with information to help you start and expand your business.  Please let us know if you have any questions.



Fire Ants in a Cemetery

actions Grave Care Business operators can perform to prevent irreparable damage caused by fire ants in a cemetery.


Fire ants cause damage in southern cemeteries.

Are you a fan of old 1970’s “made-for-TV” horror movies? I remember, as a young kid, watching reruns of horror movies on late-night television. Let’s see…there was Killdozer, Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark, and ANTS!!!. ANTS was always one of my favorites. The main actors in the movie dug a moat and filled it with water to protect a structure from an invading army of ants but, the entomologist in the movie told them ants can build bridges across water. So, they filled the moat with gasoline and set it afire. Yes, that movie has stuck with me all these years. I love studying ants and many other insects because of this movie even though they sometimes give me the heebie-jeebies

It turns out ants really can build floating bridges. They are very industrious.

Though not as conniving as they were in that movie, ants can be very destructive. Since moving beyond the borders of the United States, fire ant populations have moved steadily northward. Anyone in the southern regions with a basic knowledge of ants will recognize the shape and size of their familiar mounds. Cemeteries are not immune to these destructive pests. Fire ant mounds are often 2 feet in diameter. In building their nests, fire ants often dig downward several feet. In the tunneling construction of their nests, they often burrow several feet below the surface. As you can surely imagine, this tunneling action destabilized the ground. When they tunnel under heavy gravestones, the stones become unsettled and can topple under their own weight.


This phenomenon of destruction is becoming increasingly common as fire ant populations spread.

So, what can be done?

Well, there are several actions Grave Care Business operators can perform to prevent irreparable damage caused by fire ants in a cemetery. Luckily, as is the case with many services provided by Grave Care Business owners, your clients will gladly pay you to perform these services.

Before you begin to offer these services, however, there are several caveats you must be aware of before attempting to deal with fire ants in your local cemeteries.

We write about the problem of fire ants in cemeteries and how to incorporate their solution in our Grave Care Business Course offered through this website. We also discuss pricing strategies so you will know how much money to charge your customers. Additionally, we offer marketing and advertising advice to help you build a strong client base so your business makes good money year-round.


Additionally (and this is very important), we discuss the potential problems you might face when attempting to eradicate fire ants from a grave plot. It’s important to deal with ants correctly so your efforts don’t turn into a horror movie. 🙂

Have you ever thought of starting your own Grave Care Business?

If you are interested in learning how to start your own Grave Care Business, please read through our entire website to learn more about our course. You can order directly through our ordering page and we will ship it out to you promptly.

If you have any questions about the course, please let us know via our “Contact Page.”

Thank you for reading.

Christmas Grave Decorations – Prepare Now.

christmas flowers for graves

Though it’s only September, right now is a perfect time to start your Grave Care Business and be ready for Christmastime Grave Care demand.

I love this time of year. The weeks after September’s full moon bring slightly cooler temperatures. Before long, leaves will change colors & fall off trees, grasses will move into their dormant phase, and the calendar will flip over to December & the holiday season. Yes, I know it seems like a long time away but Christmas will be here before we know it.

During Christmas, many families desire Christmas-themed floral decorations for their loved-ones’ gravesites. Since the demand is so high, it is a great idea to begin approaching your clients as soon as possible. While you’re speaking with them about autumn grave plot general maintenance, tombstone cleaning, and autumn floral decorations, you should mention the fact that you are offering Christmas-themed grave decorations for the Christmas season.

The extreme summer heat is almost behind us. The coming months offer tremendous opportunities for Grave Care Companies.

My name is Keith and I love cemeteries. If you’ve ever thought about starting your own Grave Care Business, our company has developed a professionally produced Grave Care Business Training Course designed to help you start and operate your own successful Grave Care Business.

Please read through our entire website to see everything that is included in the course. Order through this website. Your parcel will be shipped promptly. As always, if you have any questions, please let us know. We are always willing to help and discuss cemetery and Grave Care issues with you.

Our Main Webpage for the Grave Care Business Course:
Grave Care and Cemetery Maintenance Business

If you’re ready to order, press “Buy Now” to order the Full Grave Care Business Course:

Hurricane Damage to New York Area Cemeteries

This morning’s New York Times has an article relating to damage in Green-Wood Cemetery in Brooklyn, New York.

Green-Wood is known for many fine examples of large flourishing trees. Unfortunately, as trees grow larger, their vulnerability to high winds increases. As we have all seen, damage resulting from Hurricane Sandy is taking its toll on north-eastern states and will take months to clean up.

While Green-Wood Cemetery is the focus of this article, scores of cemeteries have been affected by the storm. Some cemeteries have downed trees that caused irreparable damage to tombstones and monuments. Other cemeteries have minor damage like small branches and twigs that need to be tidied. Professionally managed cemeteries like Green-Wood have crew and financial resources to begin the cleanup but countless other cemeteries rely on volunteers and family members for repair and maintenance.

It is unfortunate that this damage has occurred and I dislike the idea of benefiting on other people’s misfortune. If you are in an area of the country that has been affected by severe weather, family members of people buried in area cemeteries are looking for help with cleanup and general maintenance. In fact, they are often willing to pay for these services.

So, if you have ever thought about starting your own Grave Care Business, right now is a good time to start. The weeks leading up to Christmas is always a busy time for Grave Care and with the need of grave care services caused by severe weather, there will be additional demand.

We love cemeteries and we believe that small Grave Care Businesses can benefit by providing general upkeep, tombstone cleaning, floral decorations, and other services. We have developed a professionally produced business course that will help you start and operate a successful Grave Care Business. For more information, please click on the main link above to learn about our course.