Grave Care Business – July 2017

Grave Care Business owners should understand the power of increasing their businesses and building their client lists during July.

July is a pivotal month for Grave Care Business owners.  It’s important for you to understand the power of July in starting and/or expanding your business.

2017 is flying by.  Six months are down and there are another six months to go before the end of the year.  While the first day of July is a milestone (halfway through the year), the importance of July comes from the fact that your efforts this month will guide your business for the rest of the year.

Grave care maintenance is in full swing right now.  Grave site maintenance (mowing & landscaping), floral placements, and gravestone cleaning are in big demand right now.  However, the end of summer is right around the corner.  Then autumn will follow closely behind.  I have always found that efforts I make in July to develop my client list for end-of-summer services have a big and positive effect in the coming months.   However, I’ve found that if I delay until August, it’s difficult to build the same excitement in a customer base than if I started in July.

I do not know why this seems to be true.  However, it’s something I first noticed many years ago when I was studying marketing and human psychology in school.  I theorize that by mid-July, people are beginning to tire of summer.  However, they don’t realize it yet…it’s subliminal.

Why is this important for Grave Care Business owners?  This is an easy answer.  End-of-summer grave care and Autumn grave care is very important for this business.  There is a lot of money to be made during this time and this is a great time to increase your client base.

The take-away is this: the efforts you make in July will have very positive effects for your business in the coming months and for the rest of the year.  “Don’t delay. Start today.”

The Grave Care Business package is packed with information to help you start and expand your business.  Please let us know if you have any questions.