Fire Ants in a Cemetery

actions Grave Care Business operators can perform to prevent irreparable damage caused by fire ants in a cemetery.


Fire ants cause damage in southern cemeteries.

Are you a fan of old 1970’s “made-for-TV” horror movies? I remember, as a young kid, watching reruns of horror movies on late-night television. Let’s see…there was Killdozer, Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark, and ANTS!!!. ANTS was always one of my favorites. The main actors in the movie dug a moat and filled it with water to protect a structure from an invading army of ants but, the entomologist in the movie told them ants can build bridges across water. So, they filled the moat with gasoline and set it afire. Yes, that movie has stuck with me all these years. I love studying ants and many other insects because of this movie even though they sometimes give me the heebie-jeebies

It turns out ants really can build floating bridges. They are very industrious.

Though not as conniving as they were in that movie, ants can be very destructive. Since moving beyond the borders of the United States, fire ant populations have moved steadily northward. Anyone in the southern regions with a basic knowledge of ants will recognize the shape and size of their familiar mounds. Cemeteries are not immune to these destructive pests. Fire ant mounds are often 2 feet in diameter. In building their nests, fire ants often dig downward several feet. In the tunneling construction of their nests, they often burrow several feet below the surface. As you can surely imagine, this tunneling action destabilized the ground. When they tunnel under heavy gravestones, the stones become unsettled and can topple under their own weight.


This phenomenon of destruction is becoming increasingly common as fire ant populations spread.

So, what can be done?

Well, there are several actions Grave Care Business operators can perform to prevent irreparable damage caused by fire ants in a cemetery. Luckily, as is the case with many services provided by Grave Care Business owners, your clients will gladly pay you to perform these services.

Before you begin to offer these services, however, there are several caveats you must be aware of before attempting to deal with fire ants in your local cemeteries.

We write about the problem of fire ants in cemeteries and how to incorporate their solution in our Grave Care Business Course offered through this website. We also discuss pricing strategies so you will know how much money to charge your customers. Additionally, we offer marketing and advertising advice to help you build a strong client base so your business makes good money year-round.


Additionally (and this is very important), we discuss the potential problems you might face when attempting to eradicate fire ants from a grave plot. It’s important to deal with ants correctly so your efforts don’t turn into a horror movie. 🙂

Have you ever thought of starting your own Grave Care Business?

If you are interested in learning how to start your own Grave Care Business, please read through our entire website to learn more about our course. You can order directly through our ordering page and we will ship it out to you promptly.

If you have any questions about the course, please let us know via our “Contact Page.”

Thank you for reading.

Make Your Week Count

SunsetHi Everyone. I’m writing this blog posting on Sunday evening. On the way home I saw this sunset and wanted to share it with you.

Heading home this evening, I thought about the 10’s of millions of people finishing up their weekend and dreading having to go to work tomorrow morning.

Ugh…I used to feel like that every Sunday.

Feeling depressed Sunday evening was a weekly occurrence. Sitting in a windowless cubicle was not how I wanted to spend the entirety of my week. So, I broke free. After working in corporate America, I took the plunge and struck out on my own. Yes, it was scary at first. But now, I am able to work for myself and I spend much of my time in beautiful, placid cemeteries. I can’t think of a better way to spend my week and run a business.

Are you completely fulfilled in your job? Or, do you want a more fulfilling existence?

If you’ve ever thought about breaking free and starting your own Grave Care Business, read though our website to see what we have to offer.

It’s Sunday night and I cannot wait to see what tomorrow brings.

Have a great week, everyone.

Voting in the Presidential Election

voting_for_presidentCivic Pride, Cultural Responsibility, Duty as an American. Whatever you call it, I think it is an honor and a privilege to be able to vote freely for the President of our Nation.

I voted this week in early voting. As I stood in line, I got chills thinking about the obligation and opportunity we have, as Americans, to be able to vote. As you can imagine, I am in cemeteries almost daily. I see so many veterans who have fought and died to uphold the freedoms we enjoy.

Being a business owner is another freedom, I enjoy, making my vote equally important.

I just wanted to share this with you not to bring about political debate but to encourage you to vote in this year’s Presidential election.

As always, if you love cemeteries and are interested in starting your own Grave Care Business, please read through our website. We have developed a professionally produced Grave Care Business course designed to help you start and operate your own successful Grave Care Business.

Autumn in A Cemetery – Color Above – Color Below

cemetery sunset

Have you ever thought about starting your own Grave Care Business?

Autumn is a perfect time to start your own Grave Care Business. As the Sun’s apparent position in our sky moves south, Autumn’s beautiful sunsets foretell of chilly weather ahead. This cooler weather brings with it lots of opportunities for Grave Care Business owners.

Autumn weather brings with it plenty of work to be done in your local cemeteries. Basic ground maintenance, plot restoration, tombstone cleaning, and graveside decorations will keep you busy for the next few months. Cemetery management generally does not provide these services. Family members are willing to pay you for basic plot cleanup, detailed weed trimming, proper tombstone cleaning, and other services to keep their loved-one’s gravesite looking nice all year long.

Cemetery Trees Changing Colors

We have developed a professionally produced Grave Care Business training course designed to help you start and operate your own Grave Care Business. Please look through our entire website to learn about the course. You can order through the website and we will mail it out to you promptly.

If you have any questions, please let us know. We love cemeteries and are always happy to help.

Thank you:

What happens to bodies after we die.

I am fascinated with different types of burial procedures and different types of cemeteries around the world.

This video is very well done. Its helps us gain a scientific understanding of the decay process after we die.

Toward the end of the video, it also gives information on different types of burials and cemeteries found through-out the world.
The video was produced by TED-Ed.
I hope you enjoy:

Cemetery Grave Care – Autumn Grave Care Services

A Cemetery in Autumn.

I cannot think of anything better than to spend my days in a local cemetery. This is a beautiful time of year to be in your local cemetery. If you love the idea of working in your local cemeteries providing grave care services, graveside floral decorations, tombstone cleaning, and general gravesite plot maintenance then you should think about starting your own Grave Care Business.

We can help.

My name is Keith and my company has developed a professionally produced Grave Care Business training course. The course is designed to help you start (and grow) your own successful Grave Care Business. Please read over our main website for complete information on everything that is included with the course. If you have already read the description and are ready to order, click the “Buy Now” link below. We’ll ship the course to you promptly via rush Priority USPS.

If you have any questions, please use our contact page. We love cemeteries and are always happy to help.
The Full Course is $249.95 + $10 (S&H) = $259.95 Total Price (No hidden fees. Nothing more to buy.)

Christmas Grave Decorations – Prepare Now.

christmas flowers for graves

Though it’s only September, right now is a perfect time to start your Grave Care Business and be ready for Christmastime Grave Care demand.

I love this time of year. The weeks after September’s full moon bring slightly cooler temperatures. Before long, leaves will change colors & fall off trees, grasses will move into their dormant phase, and the calendar will flip over to December & the holiday season. Yes, I know it seems like a long time away but Christmas will be here before we know it.

During Christmas, many families desire Christmas-themed floral decorations for their loved-ones’ gravesites. Since the demand is so high, it is a great idea to begin approaching your clients as soon as possible. While you’re speaking with them about autumn grave plot general maintenance, tombstone cleaning, and autumn floral decorations, you should mention the fact that you are offering Christmas-themed grave decorations for the Christmas season.

The extreme summer heat is almost behind us. The coming months offer tremendous opportunities for Grave Care Companies.

My name is Keith and I love cemeteries. If you’ve ever thought about starting your own Grave Care Business, our company has developed a professionally produced Grave Care Business Training Course designed to help you start and operate your own successful Grave Care Business.

Please read through our entire website to see everything that is included in the course. Order through this website. Your parcel will be shipped promptly. As always, if you have any questions, please let us know. We are always willing to help and discuss cemetery and Grave Care issues with you.

Our Main Webpage for the Grave Care Business Course:
Grave Care and Cemetery Maintenance Business

If you’re ready to order, press “Buy Now” to order the Full Grave Care Business Course:

End of season Grave Care – Summer 2016

Cemetery Grave Care

It’s August 2016 and I’ve just come in from another beautiful day in a cemetery.

This summer has been one of the hottest on record. Though daily temperatures are still very warm, we are beginning to experience hints of cooler weather. Soon, the evenings will be brisk and autumn colors will beautify all the trees in our local cemeteries.

Since the heat and humidity of July is difficult to take, I try to perform much of my work in the morning and late evening hours. Once August arrives, the humidity begins to decrease and working outside is much more bearable. And, of course, September and cooler weather is just around the corner.

The next several months are perfect for grave care services. This is the perfect time to perform plot maintenance. Old, ugly grasses and weeds can be removed and the ground can be prepared for new seed which will green-up and put down roots during early Autumn. Tombstone cleaning is also in demand from customers this time of year. After a dry, dusty summer, grave stones are in dire need of good wash downs with proper cleaning procedures. Harsh chemicals are not needed. In fact, harsh chemicals can damage tombstone material. Harsh scrubbing can cause further damage to already fractured or fragile grave markers. I always try to take a “do no damage” approach to tombstone cleaning.

In addition to grave plot maintenance and tombstone cleaning, summertime floral decorations should be changed as we transition into the cooler months. Old flower decorations become faded and tacky looking. I always think it’s a shame when I see old flowers on a grave site. Someone spent a lot of time and money to place flowers as an outpouring of respect and love. Flowers that were once beautiful eventually become worn and old and tacky. Autumn is a great time to replace old flowers with new decorations.

Each year, I think of Autumn as our reward for suffering through another hot summer. This is the time of year I, once again, love what I do. 🙂

If you’ve ever thought about the idea of operating your own Grave Care Business, I would like to invite you to read through our entire website. There is a lot of free information here to help you get started. However, if you are truly interested in learning how to start and operate your own successful Grave Care Business, we have developed the Grave Care Business Course. The material in this course is designed to take you from the initial concept of your idea all the way through performing the work correctly, building your client list, and growing your business to the point you might need to hire additional employees to keep up with the demand. You can keep it small or grow your business as large as you want.

We love cemeteries and are always happy to help you start your own Grave Care Business. If you have any questions about the course, please let us know. The rest of the website contains detailed information about everything that is included.

If you’re ready to order, the “Full Course” is on sale for $250 + S&H. I will leave a payment link below.

Have a great autumn!

Grave Care Business

Happy Fourth of July – Grave Care Decorations

Grave Decorations for July 4th

Grave Decorations for July 4th

We would like to wish everyone a very Happy Fourth of July.

On this holiday, many Grave Care Customers want Red, White, and Blue floral decorations placed on the grave sites of their loved ones. It’s a very festive holiday and it’s nice to see brightly colored and patriotic decorations adorning headstones. So many people love fireworks and cookouts with family members. It helps them to know their loved ones who have passed away are still part of the family and get are thought about with decorations.

After the July 4 holiday, we enter a several week dry spell where there are not many holidays to celebrate. The summer Grave Plot maintenance season will be in full swing and it will be a perfect time for tombstone cleaning. These services will keep us all busy for the next several months (long into the autumn season) and by the time mid-August gets here, floral decorations will need to be changed out for late summer or early autumn colors.

If you have ever thought about operating your own Grave Care Business, right now is a perfect time to start.

We have developed a comprehensive Grave Care Business instructional course designed to help you start and operate your own successful Grave Care Business.

For more information, please read our entire website to learn about the course. We have a “Course Overview” page describing everything that is included with the course. We have 3 different versions.

Happy 4th. Please let us know if you have any questions.

Grave Care Business Course Overview

The Importance of Early Success in your Grave Care Business

Grave Care - Early Success

In Business; Early Success Drives Future Success

When I studied Business Psychology in school, I learned the concepts of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development.

Both of these schools of thought about human psychological development discuss the importance of early development. Maslow’s Hierarchy states that there must be strong development of basic needs (food, air, water, and a feeling of safety) before a human can develop a healthy stepping stone to higher level thinking.

Piaget’s Model states that a person’s childhood plays a very important role in the child’s development into a psychologically healthy adult.

I’ve always believed in the importance of early successes in our development as healthy adults. Whether its sports, dating (and other social situations, or business, early successes build momentum. Early successes keep us motivated when the inevitable setbacks occur.

If our early experiences are defeats, our desire to stop attempting our chosen activity might suppress our desire to succeed.

There is another psychological concept of behavior called Learned Helplessness. Paraphrasing from a Wikipedia Article on Learned Helplessness: People who repeatedly fail may conclude they are incapable of improving their performance.

Think about it: if you fail over and over, you will want to give up and stop trying.

This is especially true for new business owners.

One of the reasons we developed the Grave Care Business course was to help people who are just starting (or thinking about starting) their own Grave Care Business. We believe that helping you over the initial hurdles of starting your business will give you a better chance of long term success.

There is a lot to think about when starting your Grave Care Business. Developing the services you offer, building a strong client base, and structuring your pricing (how much money you will charge for your services) are all subjects you must think about as you start your business. If you try to offer services that people are not interested in, they will not hire you. If you build a weak client base, they will not be long-term customers. If you charge too much (or too little) money, your bottom line will suffer.

The Grave Care Business Course tackles these subjects and many more.

Early success is important. If you are thinking about starting your own Grave Care Business, please read through our website to see all that is included in the course.

We love cemeteries and we love helping other people who want to start their own Grave Care Business.

If you have any questions, please let us know. You can order directly through this website and your order will be shipped promptly.