Gravestone Cleaning: A Money-Making Business!

Gravestone Cleaning is an important service.  Make more money by offering this service in your small business!

Are you thinking about starting a Gravestone Cleaning Business?

Before you rush out and start cleaning all the gravestones in your local cemeteries, you need to learn proper methods and protocols.

Our desire is to help you start your own Grave Care Business – professionally, profitably, and respectfully.

Learning About Gravestones

Keith recently visited a “Tennessee Marble” quarry.  He visited this quarry as part of his ongoing research of methods for the proper care of gravestones.

The quarry Keith visited produces a specific type of stone which has been used extensively as headstones and grave markers across the country.  He spoke with a rock expert to understand the specific characteristics of this type of rock. They discussed polishes and finishes and the porosity of the stone.

These factors help determine the proper cleaning methods.

You Do Not Need a Degree In Geology

This research helps us keep up with the latest procedures and protocols of gravestone care. But don’t worry; you do not need to be an expert in geology and you do not need to visit a stone quarry…we have already done that for you.

We put this information into the program in an easy-to-understand format.

In our grave care business program, we help you understand basic principles of proper gravestone care.  We also help you understand the different types of stones (and other materials) used as gravestones. 

Gravestone Cleaning

Gravestone Cleaning is an important service.  By offering this service in your small business, you can make more money. But before you rush out to clean all the gravestones within your local cemeteries, there are protocols you need to understand.

We take this subject seriously. We constantly strive to learn the latest procedures and protocols in proper gravestone care. Then, we pass that information along to you.

Keith’s visit to this quarry is just one example of our dedication to the Grave Care Business Course.  We strive to provide you with the best information to help you start your own profitable Grave Care Business.

Gravestone Cleaning Business

Have ever thought about starting your own Grave Care Business?  In addition to gravestone cleaning, you can offer plot maintenance, floral grave decorations, message delivery, photography, documentation, mapping, and many other services.

We show you how!

The Grave Care Business Course is a professionally produced program designed to help you start your own Grave Care Business.

To learn more, please visit our main website.  Once you order, we will ship your parcel to you promptly.

Sunday Motivation – Inspiration From a Graveyard!

When you visit a cemetery you realize, as long as we are alive, each day gives us a brand new opportunity to be better.

Today is Sunday July 17, 2022.
I was working in one of our city’s oldest cemeteries last week.

There are interesting stories in that cemetery from notable characters who lead the early development of the community.

We need to learn from history, advance ourselves from its lessons, and make better lives for ourselves and for those people we come in contact with.

Cemeteries can be inspiring. Do you ever think about the people who are buried there? They have already lived their lives. They have already lived their last day alive on earth. Their time has now gone.

But for us, it’s a different story. As long as we are alive, each day gives us a brand new opportunity to be better. Each day gives us a brand new opportunity to strive for a perfect day.

Have you had troubling times in your life? Have you had dark times? When those feelings hit me, I try to remember that I still have an opportunity to strive to be better. Every new day is a brand new opportunity.

It is okay to want better for yourself. It is okay to expect the best for yourself even though you know there will be roughness and problems along the way.

I hope you are feeling inspired for the week ahead.


Grave Care Business – Not a Kafkaesque Experience!

Many entrepreneurs have experienced the feeling of being lost. We will help you start your own Grave Care Business.

Are you working in a Kafkaesque corporation or a bureaucratic government organization?  Have you ever thought about striking out on your own?  Do you want to start your own business but you don’t know where to begin?

One of the characteristics of being an entrepreneur is the desire to ‘do it yourself.’  If you are a capable and creative person, you feel you can do almost anything.  Starting your own business should be easy.

Starting a Business Isn’t Always Easy

Starting your own business isn’t always easy but it might not be for the reasons you assume.

Our passion is cemeteries (grave care) and we also help people start their own cemetery maintenance businesses.  We have noticed 1 very common reason why people struggle starting their own businesses.

Entrepreneurs are a special breed.  We like to think we can do everything ourselves.  There is a problem with this way of thinking.  People who can do anything often try to do everything.

I mentioned the writer Franz Kafka, earlier.  Kafka’s writing often portrays a feeling of helplessness by trying to survive in a confusing, multi-layered organization.  Kafka worked for an insurance corporation in real life. Can you imagine the layers of bureaucracy he dealt with on a daily basis?

Contrary to his daily feelings of being suppressed by the stifling organization for which he worked, Kafka has an interesting quote:

I am Free and That is Why I Am Lost

Franz Kafka

I Am Free and That Is Why I am Lost

There are many interpretations to Kafka’s meaning of this quote.

Many entrepreneurs have experienced the feeling of being lost because they are free.  It is difficult to explain that feeling but if you have been there, you know the feeling. Since we are free to do anything, sometimes we try to do everything but we end up doing nothing.  It makes you feel lost.

Kafka, as a person who vilifies bureaucracy, understands freedom has its own limitations.

Have you ever felt these feelings?

Starting Your Own Business – Are You Lost?

If you have ever thought about starting your own Grave Care Business, you might feel lost. You might not know where to begin.

We can help.

Our company has developed a professionally produced Grave Care Business Course designed to help you start (and operate) your own Grave Care and Cemetery Maintenance Business. We designed this course to give you a well-organized direction to starting your own business.

  • Grave Plot Preservation
  • Gravestone Cleaning
  • Grave Flower Decorations
  • Cemetery Maintenance
  • and many other services

You will be free but you won’t be lost.

Grave Care

Read through our website to learn more.

The course can be purchased directly through our website.  We are always quick to answer your questions if you need help. Your material will be shipped promptly via USPS Priority Mail once you make payment.

Sunday Business Motivation – Don’t Dread Mondays!

If 81% of Americans dread going to work Monday morning, maybe there is a better way to make money.

Good Morning.  Today is Sunday July 10, 2022.  

Are you happy in your current work environment, or are you searching for something more meaningful? What is your long-term motivation to find meaning income instead of going to a job you dread?

Today is Sunday, the last day of the weekend. Are you enjoying your weekend with a sporting event or a picnic with your family? Are you looking forward to Monday, the start of the work week, or are you dreading going back to work. 

A 2019 article in INC. Magazine claims 81 percent of Americans feel a ‘Sunday Night Dread‘ before going to work Monday morning.  81 percent? To feel dread is understandable, especially when so many Americans are under pressure and underpaid doing unfulfilling, unrewarding work.

Simply, many people do not love their jobs.

A Better Way to Make Money

Yes, a steady job is important.  Yes, stable income is important.  But, maybe there is a better way to make money.  If 81% of Americans dread going to work Monday morning, maybe there is a better way to go through life.

We are passionate about two things: Cemeteries (grave care) and Business.  
We will help you find your passion.

Have you ever thought about starting your own Grave Care Business? We have developed a professionally produced Grave Care Business Course designed to help you start (and operate) your own Grave Care Business.

Please read through our website to learn more about the course. 

Your Own Grave Care Business

You will learn practically everything you need to know for your own Grave Care Business.

Don’t dread Monday ever again!

Starting a Grave Care Business: Your Personal Declaration of Independence!

Starting your own business is your own, personal Declaration of Independence.

Good morning!  Today is Sunday July 3, 2022. We are in the middle of the July 4 weekend. 

Do you ever think about the founders of our nation?  Do you ever think about what they must have felt as they drafted our Declaration of Independence?  It must have been an exciting time for them; a scary time.

The easy choice for them would have been to maintain their status quo.  It would have been much simpler to remain under British rule.  However, they wanted a better life for themselves, a better future for their families.

If you think about it, starting a business allows you to have a better life for yourself and a better future for your family.  Yes, starting your own business is scary, but it is also exciting

Starting your own business is your personal Declaration of Independence.

If you are motivated to start your own business, we can help.  

Our passion is cemeteries and our goal is to help you start your own Grave Care Business (properly, profitably, and respectfully).

Please read through our website.  We have a lot to offer. 
The full business course is only $259.95.

2022 Is Half Over – Are You Succeeding with your Business?

Summer grave care projects keep grave care business owners busy this year.

Hello, I am writing this on July 1, 2022. 

This morning it occurred to me, the year is half over.  For those of you reading this, you (we) only have six months remaining of this year.  Remember those New Year’s Goals you made in January?  You have 6 months to turn them into reality.

It seems like only yesterday we were working on our grave care scheduling for the upcoming winter season. The winter progressed nicely.  Now, July is here and summer is whizzing by.

We are steeped into the summer season right now.  Grounds maintenance and grave plot maintenance activities are keeping everyone busy but there are many other grave care services to offer, too.  Soon, August will be here, then September.  By Autumn, cooler weather grave care services will begin taking precedence.  And then winter…again.

How do you feel about the year being half over?  Are you making progress with your business?  Have you started yet?

If you are new to this website (, you already realize Cemeteries are our passion.  In addition to our passion for cemeteries, we love helping people achieve their goal of starting their own business.  Grave Care is a wonderful and rewarding business to start.  Our goal is to help you start your own Grave Care Business properly, profitably, and respectfully. 

If you have any questions about grave care or the course materials, please let us know.  We are happy to answer your questions before and after you place your order.

Sunday Encouragement – You Can Do This!

Sometimes, all we need is a little bit of encouragement to get started. 

Have you ever wondered about the philosophical differences between giving up too early vs. never trying at all?

Is a person who gives up too early better than a person who never tries at all?  Or, is the outcome the same?  How often have you looked back on your life and regretted the times you never tried?  How often have you looked back on your life and regretted the times you gave up too early?  For you, which of those two regrets is worse?

Sometimes, all we need is a little bit of encouragement to get started.  Other times, all we need is a little bit of encouragement to keep going.

This is true in all aspects of your life.  It’s true in your personal life (your relationships).  It is true in your work, your hobbies, and your academic pursuits.  However, sometimes it is difficult to find the motivation to get started.  It is also sometimes difficult to find the motivation to keep going.

The reason I’m writing this today is because it is a Sunday at the end of June.  Summer days make us lazy because we just want to lounge around and enjoy summer activities.  

If you have ever thought about starting your own small business, I want to give you the motivation, the encouragement to get started.  Yes, it is easy to be lazy during the summer but, NOW is the time to take action.

This website is all about cemetery maintenance and proper upkeep of cemeteries and gravesites.   If you have ever thought about this, I want to encourage you. I want to give you motivation. You can do this!

We are passionate about cemeteries.  We are also passionate about helping people achieve their goal of starting their own business.  Read through our website, we have a lot to offer.

Broken Gravestones – This is disgusting!

Have you ever seen this in your local cemetery; a broken grave marker?

Have you ever seen this in your local cemetery; a broken grave marker?

I am just disgusted by this photograph I took.  I watch maintenance crews zip over (and around) gravestones without regard for the damage their mowers do.

There is a better way, and we can help!!!

If you love cemeteries and have ever thought about starting your own Grave Care Business, I want you to read through our website.  We can help you get started with your own Grave Care Business.

My company has developed a professionally produced business course designed to help you start-up your own Grave Care Business. 
We teach you practically everything you need to know.

We will teach you how to properly, profitably, and respectfully operate your own grave care business. It is MUCH MORE than just mowing.
We have A LOT to offer. Take a look at the COURSE DESCRIPTION!

Click the link below to go to our frontpage.  You can order the course directly through our website.  We will ship it promptly to you.

Let us know if you have questions, we are always happy to help.
– Keith

Neglected Cemeteries – Mowing Graves for Money!

Plot Maintenance and Grass Cutting services will greatly increase your profitability and allow you to make much more money in your Grave Care Business.

Whether you are mowing single plots with a push lawn mower or maintaining an entire cemetery using heavy-duty equipment, grave care is a rewarding and profitable business.

Grass and greenery grow with abandon now we’re into the summer months.  By operating your own business, you are able to choose which services you provide to your clients.  Plot Maintenance and Grass Cutting services will greatly increase your profitability and allow you to make much more money in your Grave Care Business.

High on your list of recommended services, plot maintenance and grass cutting will allow you to make a lot more money during the summer months, and will also help you attract more clients for your other grave care services.  

We see this every year even in the most finely maintained cemeteries; ground crews are simply unable to keep up with the growth of grass and other greenery.  Family members who want to visit their loved-ones’ gravesites for Father’s Day, July 4th, and other summer holidays are often met with high growth and unattractive gravesites.   

Quite simply, landscaping crews cannot keep up.

Overgrown Cemetery

The overgrowth problem is even worse in smaller cemeteries maintained by volunteer caretakers and in cemeteries that are neglected.  The need for proper plot maintenance goes far beyond beautification.  It is important to manicure grass within a cemetery for aesthetic beauty but it also enhanses the experience of family members visiting their loved-ones grave. 

No one wants to be forced to walk through tall grass to visit the cemetery.  Long grass obscures gravestones making them difficult to read and it overwhelms grave flowers placed by the family.  Tall grass harbors ticks and increases the potential for snakes and rodents.  Families should not be forced to deal with the unattractiveness and potential problems of a neglected gravesite.

It is a great opportunity to start a business.  Family members (adult children and spouses) want proper maintenance for their loved-ones’ grave.  It is important to them and they are willing to spend good money for proper maintenance.  The business can be larger than individual gravesites.  Entire cemeteries need to be maintained.  City Counsels and Cemetery Boards will sublet contracts.  For you to turn this into a business, you need to know the finer details of cemetery maintenance and how to price your services.

Your Own Grave Care Business

Have you ever thought about starting your own Grave Care Business?  We have developed a course designed to help you start and operate your own business.  Plot Maintenance is only one of the services to offer your clients.

We teach you: 
How to get clients: Individual Grave Plot and Contracts for Entire Cemetery Maintenance

The correct equipment to purchase: Small Push Mowers to Wide-Area Mowing Machines we teach you the best equipment to get.
Proper protocols to follow: Grave Plot Maintenance is different from residential mowing.
How to interact with Cemetery Management: don’t neglect these tips. 

Pricing: The course includes Estimating Software to help you calculate prices so you can make more money.

The correct equipment to purchase: Small Push Mowers to Wide-Area Mowing Machines, we teach you the best equipment to buy.
Proper protocols to follow: Grave Plot Maintenance is different from residential mowing. There are rules you need to follow.
How to interact with Cemetery Management: don’t neglect these tips. 

Pricing: The course includes Estimating Software to help you calculate prices so you can make more money.

The entire Grave Care Business Course is only $259.95.  Learn more about the course on our “Course Description” page.

We ship promptly and if you have any questions, please let us know.  We are passionate about cemeteries and always happy to answer your questions.

Grave Care Business – Autumn 2021

If you have ever thought about starting your own Grave Care Business, our company has developed a professionally produced business course to help you start, operate, and grow your own business.

Autumn Cemetery Grave Care

November is here and Grave Care is especially vital right now.

Does it seem to you that we have been dealing with this Covid nightmare for far too long?  The world changed in March 2020.  We are now in November 2021 and things are still askew.

As we approach the winter months, no one really knows if the Covid pandemic will re-strengthen causing increased shutdowns again this winter..

If you enjoy visiting cemeteries in your local area, you have probably noticed an increase in the number of under-maintained and neglected cemeteries.  One of the reasons for this is that maintenance companies are having trouble finding reliable workers for general grave care duties.

Although this is bad for cemeteries, it is good for anyone wishing to start their own Grave Care Business.  Right now is a perfect time to start.  Pre-winter maintenance, plot maintenance, grave flowers for Christmas, gravestone cleaning, and many other services are in demand right now.

We find there is an untapped demand.  Families are desperate to have their loved-ones’ gravesites maintained in a professional manner.

If you have ever thought about starting your own Grave Care Business, our company has developed a professionally produced business course.  This course is designed to help you start, operate, and grow your own Grave Care Business.

For more information, please visit our main website page (

For everything that is included, please read our Course Overview page (

Ordering information is located at:

If you have any questions, just let me know via our contact page.  I will answer your questions to the best of my ability.  I am passionate about cemeteries and always happy to help.
