Grave Care Business in 2019

Grave care has many facets. Plot maintenance, tombstone cleaning, and floral decoration placement are 3 services that can be offered.

I recently received a call from a lady who is ready to make a change in her life for the new year. As a Christmas present to herself, she purchased the Grave Care Business Course. She wants to learn about the business, use the guide to help her set up her own business, and begin getting customers in time to place Valentine’s Day grave floral decorations.

Cemeteries are my passion and I love helping people who want to start their own grave care businesses.

Grave care has many facets. Plot maintenance, tombstone cleaning, and floral decoration placement are 3 services that can be offered. Additionally, there are many other services that family members want for their loved-ones’ grave sites. Our business program teaches you how to perform these services, how to deal with cemetery management, and learn how much money to charge your clients.

Building a client list is one of the most important things you can do in the early stages of your business. Grave care is, obviously, a very delicate business. Your clients are entrusting you with a task that is very important to them. Our business course handles this subject with care. It is a very respectful and very rewarding business.

If you have ever thought about starting your own Grave Care Business, please read through our website to see what we have to offer.

If you have questions, feel free to get in touch via phone or email on our contact page. 

Cemeteries are my passion. If you’re ready to make a change in your life in 2019 by starting your own business, I think you will be very pleased with the amount of information, tutorials, and business tools included in the Grave Care Business Course.

The Full Version is only $259.95. Order directly through our order page and we will make sure your parcel is mailed out promptly.

Thank you – Keith

Christmas Grave Flowers – December 2018

Yes, the weather is cold but right now is a perfect time to start your own Grave Care Business.

christmas grave flowersChristmas Grave Flowers is a Great Add-On for your Grave Care Business.

As we move into December, you might think Grave Care Business services are finished for the year. However, there is still a large opportunity for you to take advantage of this time of year. There is still a full month left and 3 weeks before Christmas.

Though weather in your area might reduce your ability to provide Grave Care Services for your clients, I would like to remind you that a lot of people are still wanting Christmas Grave Decorations for their loved ones. This is a perfect ADD-ON service for you to provide your clients. This will help you make a lot of much needed money for your business right now before Christmas.

So, even if your business is still small or if you’ve not yet gotten off the ground, keep working at your business for the final month in 2018. You will probably pick up some last minute clients right before Christmas. This will be an additional benefit for you next year because those clients are likely to hire you next year when springtime rolls around.

Yes, the weather is cold but right now is a perfect time to start your own Grave Care Business.

If you don’t know where to start and need some help and motivation, our Grave Care Business Course will help you start and grow your own Grave Care Business.

Read about it on our homepage. Once you order the Grave Care Course, we’ll ship it promptly to you via priority mail.

Gravestone Damage Caused By Lawn Mowers

information on how to avoid damaging gravestones when you are mowing cemetery grave plots.

cemetery lawn mower damage

Gravestone Damage Caused By Lawn Mowers

Spring is here and grass is growing in the cemetery. For the next several months, lawn mowing will be a much needed cemetery maintenance task. Proper mowing around gravestones takes greater care than a standard mowing job of a residential lawn. There are proper procedures to follow to avoid scoring gravemarkers, damaging flower urns, and scalping uneven ground over grave sites.

Lawn Mowing in a Cemetery

When I visit a cemetery and look at gravestones, my biggest pet peeve is seeing damaging work performed by careless workers.

One of the most notoriously damaging pieces of equipment in a cemetery is the riding lawn mower. Particularly, large Zero-Turn-Radius lawn mowers operated by neglectful lawn mower operators cause extensive damage. In cemeteries during lawn mowing season, lawn mower operators are often in a big hurry to finish their mowing jobs. They speed between headstones and zoom up & down rows of grave markers. Their rubber tires grind the ground and their large mowing decks scalp the earth. More damaging than what they do to the ground, however, is the damaging effect they have on gravestones.

Here are two examples of damage caused by lawn mowers. In both of these instances, gravestone material has been scraped away by mower decks. In the third picture, I have reason to believe the monument might have been toppled after being run into, repeatedly, by a neglectful lawn care operator.

gravestone damage mowing

grave stone damage

If you plan to offer grass cutting in your grave care business, please make the effort to choose proper equipment. Also, operate that equipment properly to avoid damaging tombstones and the graves you are supposed to be manicuring.

Proper Cemetery Maintenance Procedures

Do you need some professional tips on how to properly operate a Grave Care Business? Our professionally produced Grave Care Business Training Course will help you start (and operate) your own successful grave care business. We even include excellent information on how to avoid damaging gravestones when you are mowing cemetery grave plots.

Learn more about it on our main webpage. You can order the course directly through our website and we will ship it to you promptly.

Please let us know if you have any questions. We are passionate about cemeteries and are always happy to help.

Start A Grave Care Business

Kilauea Volcano Affects Hawaiian Cemeteries

If you are fascinated with cemeteries as I am, you might consider starting your own Grave Care Business.

Volcano Reminds Me of the Need For Proper Grave Care and Documentation of Cemeteries

Hawaii Cemetery Lava

As I read the news this morning, I see the volcano on Hawaii’s biggest island is once again erupting dangerously close to civilization.

I see the pictures and I am reminded of my trip to The Big Island a few years ago to study the cemeteries there. I took particular interest in the cemeteries within the Kalapana region of Hawaii. Those cemeteries were largely affected by previous eruptions of Kilauea. Some cemeteries were covered with 30′ of lava and some grave sites were lost forever. Other cemeteries experienced community outpouring to reestablish the cemetery boundaries and locate individual grave sites.

I saw the destructive process of nature and the possibility that cemeteries, in an instant, might be lost forever. This past trip to study the cemeteries of Hawaii is what really prompted me to take and active interest in using GPS technology to properly document the locations of cemeteries and individual grave sites. Technology has come a long way in the last few years. With cell phone apps like Find-A-Grave and Billion Graves, I am able quickly geo-reference hundreds of grave sites in a day. Also, I now use drone technology to aerial map and make 3-D interactive images of the cemeteries I visit.

So, as I sit here this morning watching Kilauea’s lava, I am reminded of the importance of proper documentation of our country’s cemeteries.

If you are fascinated with cemeteries as I am, you might consider starting your own Grave Care Business. It’s easy to do this as a side-line source of income or to grow it as a full-fledged full-time business.

We have developed a professionally produced Grave Care Business Instruction Course designed to help you start and grow your own grave care business. You can learn more about the course on our main webpage ( You can order directly through the website and we will ship it out to you promplty.

Winter Grave Care Tips for your Grave Care Business

Grave Christmas Decoration

WINTER IS A Good Time To Start Your Grave Care Business

A week ago, I was working in a local cemetery in shorts and a short sleeved shirt. Today, I’m hunkered down in a leaf-strewn cemetery wondering if we will have any warm days before spring arrives. Well, one thing that is an absolute certainty is springtime WILL eventually arrive. When it does arrive, there will be plenty of customers and lots of demand for your grave care business services. However, until then, we have a couple months of winter weather before us.

Southern states with warmish weather can operate Grave Care Business year-round. For everyone in the northern states (and Canada), winter does bring a challenge. Although it is a bit difficult operating a Grave Care Business during the depths of winter, there are a few saving graces that will carry you through and keep money rolling in. Christmas is in December. This month brings you many customers who want their loved-ones’ grave sites spruced up for the Christmas season. Pre-winter plot maintenance and Christmas Grave Decoration placement will keep you busy. December can be a prime earning month as there is a lot of income potential.

Grave Care Business Opportunities in December and January and February

January will probably be a bit slower for requests for grave care services. However, I normally think of the first month in the new year as a time to begin preparing contract agreements and price bids for new clients. The preparation work you do in January will pay HUGE dividends once spring rolls around. Current and new clients will appreciate your diligence during the winter months. Also, you should remember that Valentine’s Day is in February. Many, Many people want Valentine’s Grave Decorations placed on Valentine’s Day.

In addition to Christmas and Valentine’s day floral decorations placed on Gravestones, we’ve noticed grave blankets placement is once again gaining popularity. Additionally, gravestone Christmas present decoration is something many parents like to do for children who have passed away. I believe this is a real psychological comfort to parents who have lost a child. This act of giving allows them to share Christmas at a time of year when they are truly heartbroken.

As passionate as I am about cemeteries and as interested as I am in helping people operate their own Grave Care Businesses, I never lose site of the fact that grave care is an act of caring that families WANT to do for their loved-ones. Services such as plot maintenance, tombstone cleaning, and grave decoration help families deal with the loss. It helps them heal. It keeps them connected.

By providing grave care, you are truly helping people and they are grateful for the services you provide.

If you have ever thought about starting your own Grave Care Business, please read through our website. We have developed a professionally produced grave care business training course designed to help you start and operate your own grave care business.

Merry Christmas!

Grave Care Business Training Course

November 2017 – All Saints’ Day and a Busy Month for Grave Care

Have ever thought about starting your own grave care business? November is a perfect time to start.

October ended with Halloween.  We hope everyone had a good time handing out treats to all the monsters and goblins.  Is it just me or does it seem costumes have taken a turn away from the traditional scary themes?  I’m seeing more “sultry nurse” and “Pimp n’ Ho” costumes.  Oh well.

Although October is a month when the “spookiness” of cemeteries is on people’s minds, November is a month when Grave Care Business owners should begin focusing on building their client lists and making a lot of money for the winter months ahead.

In many, the first of November signifies the laying on of wreaths in conjunction with All Saints’ Day.  I have just completed a cemetery research trip to Northern Spain.  Laying on of wreaths is a very important ceremony there.  I believe this ceremony is catching on and becoming popular in the United States.

It is true that some grave care activities slow down a bit for winter.  However, we have found that there are several activities that will carry you through the winter months.  By starting your grave care business right now, you will be able to begin building a strong client base.

There are a few services we like to focus on during November and December.  Pre-winter plot maintenance, gravestone cleaning, and preparation for winter-time decorations should be tops on your list.  Offer these to your prospective clients and you will be busy (and making money) for most of the winter months.

If you have ever thought about starting your own grave care business, November is a perfect month to get started and begin building your client list.  In our Grave Care Business Course, we spend a lot of time teaching you how to properly build a strong client base.  We also teach you how much money to charge for your services.  The estimating software is a great tool to help you calculate your prices.

If you have any questions, please let us know.  We are always happy to help.

October 2017 – Grave Care Business

By starting your own Grave Care Business, you will be able to make good money providing proper grave care and cemetery maintenance.

October is an interesting month for Grave Care Business owners.

October is a month when many people become interested in cemeteries.  Mostly, this is due to Halloween falling on the last day of October.  There is kind of a spooky weird aspect to the fascination of cemeteries in October.

I fully understand this spooky weird fascination…I like Halloween, too.

However, Grave Care is NOT about the spooky weird fascination of cemeteries.  Grave Care is about proven services that will allow you to start your very own business.  Grave Care includes: plot maintenance, gravestone cleaning, floral decorations, and many other services to properly maintain grave sites.

This is a niche business.  While not a lot of people provide these services, there is a huge demand.  Some cemeteries offer basic grounds maintenance but their work often lacks finishing touches.  After one spouse dies, the other spouse normally tries to maintain the grave site, properly and visit on a regular basis.  However, age or ill health often prevents the remaining spouse from performing upkeep exactly they way they want to.   Adult children often move away from their hometowns or they are just too busy.  However, they ARE willing to pay good money for proper care.

By starting your own Grave Care Business, you will be able to make good money providing proper grave care and cemetery maintenance.

If you are fascinated with cemeteries (apart from Halloween) and if you would love to start your own Grave Care Business, we have developed a professionally produced Grave Care Business Course to help you get started.

The Full Course includes instructions for proper start-up, how to perform the work, what tools and supplies you will need, video tutorials, and instructions on how to properly estimate your prices.  We even included fantastic estimating software so you will know how much money to charge your clients.

The Grave Care Business Course includes a tremendous amount of information and business tools.  You will be pleased with all that is included.

To learn more about the business course, read through our main webpage:

How To Start A Grave Care Business

and look out our:

Version Overview Page.

You can order directly via our website ordering page and we will ship it to you directly normally within 1 business day.

Please let us know if you have any questions.  Right now is a perfect time to start.


Delayed Shipping Discount

Hi Everyone:

I’m writing this post on August 03, 2019.

As of tomorrow, August 04, 2019, we will be on a Cemetery Research trip out of the country.

Because we will be outside of the U.S., it will be very difficult for us to ship the Grave Care Business Course materials.  We would love for you to order the course and will ship it as soon as we return.

To make up for the inconvenience of this delayed shipping, we are offering 10% off the price of all orders for the Grave Care Business Course between now and August 14, only.

We normally take a trip 1 time per year to study cemeteries in a foreign country.  These educational trips allow us to continually expand our knowledge of cemeteries and their proper care.  We love cemeteries and we attempt to keep our course materials fresh by continuously researching new methods of grave care.

Once we return to the U.S., your package will be shipped promptly.

If you have any questions, please use our website contact form.  We will answer your questions as soon as we are able.

Use the ordering buttons below to receive the discounted price.

Basic Version – Regular Price $69.95

Extended Version – Regular Price $149.95

Software Selection

Full Package – Regular Price $259.95

Software Selection

Grave Care Business – Turning Ideas into Action

Grave care is a very rewarding business and right now is a perfect time to start.

Motivation to help you start your own Grave Care Business

As I drove into the local cemetery this morning, my head was full of great ideas about how I wanted my day to progress. I always find great ideas come to me while I’m driving but, once I reach my destination, those ideas often fade into obscurity. I believe this is a common problem for many people.

It reminds me of an email I received recently from a gentleman who wants to start his own grave care business.
The letter starts: “Hi Keith. I have thought about starting my own grave care business for about 3 years…” He goes on to say that he’s really ready to start and wants to purchase the business course.

I find his email very interesting because he has thought about it for 3 years but is still waiting to turn his ideas into action. We all suffer from this type of procrastination sometimes. Great ideas in the car or in the shower (I often have great ideas in the shower) are often dismissed when it is time to take action.

The question is: how can we retain the resolve to turn great ideas into action?

I believe simple encouragement is one thing that many of us need to turn ideas into action. On a personal level, I enjoy having a few mentors that I can bounce ideas off and then look for encouragement to follow through with great ideas. Encouragement is a very important ingredient for turning great ideas into action.

This is one of the reasons my team and I developed the Grave Care Business Course. I know there are many people who are interested in cemeteries and want to start their own Grave Care Businesses. Maybe you have thought about this idea many times (while driving or in the shower) but once the initial excitement of the idea subsides, you fail to take action to turn your idea into reality.

I would like to encourage you. Grave care is a very rewarding business and right now is a perfect time to start. As I’m writing this, we are transitioning between seasons and it’s an easy time to start your business and build a strong client list. Yes, I would like you to purchase our grave care business course to help you get started but even if you don’t purchase it, I want to encourage you to take the steps necessary to turn your ideas into action.

If you have any questions, please let me know. I am passionate about cemeteries & grave care and I am always happy to help.

My best to you for a profitable and fulfilling September:

Cemetery Vandalism and your Grave Care Business

Grave Care Business Owners Deter Vandalism

Cemetery Vandalism

Hi Everyone:

I want to address the serious subject of Cemetery Vandalism.  This is a subject very close to my heart.  We can do something to combat this serious problem.  It is my opinion that proper Cemetery Maintenance and Grave Care dissuades vandals from causing destruction to graveyards.

As a Grave Care Business owner, you can make a difference.

I cannot imagine why anyone would desecrate a cemetery or an individual’s gravesite. However, this is an ongoing problem. Cemetery management and families of those buried in these cemeteries
are looking for answers.

Well, I have some answers to help abate this problem.

Cemetery Vandalism is a Big Problem

I have studied cemeteries where vandalism takes place. I often find reoccurring themes that are common.  Cemeteries in decline and ones that don’t have many concerned visitors on a daily basis are often at risk of being vandalized.

I have been associated with Grave Care for many years and I help people start their own Grave Care Businesses. I can tell you that proper care and maintenance is vital to a cemetery’s long-term preservation.

So, how can a grave care business help solve this problem?

Grave Care Business Owners Dissuade Cemetery Vandals

Grave Care Business owners provide many services of upkeep for entire cemeteries and individual’s grave sites.  They provide plot maintenance, gravestone cleaning, and floral decoration placement in addition to many other services.

These activities give cemeteries a cared-for appearance. Since you will be there on a routine basis, you will help dissuade people who cause damage. Also, you can properly document instances of vandalism to help police find the culprits.

Owners of the cemeteries will be glad you are there, family members will gladly pay you for your services, and YOU will be operating your own business and making a positive difference for your community.
It is a Win-Win-Win solution.

I am not an anomaly and neither are you.

Start Your Own Grave Care Business

If you have an interest in cemeteries and have ever though about starting your own business, I hope you will read though our website.  We have developed a professionally produced business course that will help you start & grow your own Grave Care Business.

If you have questions about the business course, please reach out to us via our Contact Form

You can order the course directly:  Grave Care Business Course

Thank you: