Cemetery Contracts for 2013

cemetery mowing grounds maintenance
Cemetery Grounds Maintenance Contracts

It is time to bid your Cemetery contracts.

In addition to the people that start grave care businesses providing floral decorating, tombstone cleaning, and individual plot maintenance, we also help people who want to provide wide-scale cemetery upkeep.

This side of the grave care business is largely comprised of mowing, trimming, and general landscape maintenance. For most large cemeteries, this work is bid out on a contract basis and will allow you (if you bid correctly) to make great money for your work. Cemetery landscape maintenance contracts are normally bid during the first quarter of the year. Generally, cemetery contracts are drafted either by a cemetery management companies or a city/county government agencies that oversee cemeteries.

Our Grave Care Business tutorial provides provides a very good section that deals specifically with bidding on cemetery upkeep contracts. Proper bidding protocols must be followed and it is often intimidating for business owners who are new to bidding.

If you are interested in the landscape maintenance side of the business or if you are mainly interested in individual plot maintenance and tombstone cleaning, please click over to out website homepage where you can learn about our Grave Care Business course. If you have any questions for us, please let us know. We are always happy to help.

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