The Importance of Early Success in your Grave Care Business

Grave Care - Early Success

In Business; Early Success Drives Future Success

When I studied Business Psychology in school, I learned the concepts of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development.

Both of these schools of thought about human psychological development discuss the importance of early development. Maslow’s Hierarchy states that there must be strong development of basic needs (food, air, water, and a feeling of safety) before a human can develop a healthy stepping stone to higher level thinking.

Piaget’s Model states that a person’s childhood plays a very important role in the child’s development into a psychologically healthy adult.

I’ve always believed in the importance of early successes in our development as healthy adults. Whether its sports, dating (and other social situations, or business, early successes build momentum. Early successes keep us motivated when the inevitable setbacks occur.

If our early experiences are defeats, our desire to stop attempting our chosen activity might suppress our desire to succeed.

There is another psychological concept of behavior called Learned Helplessness. Paraphrasing from a Wikipedia Article on Learned Helplessness: People who repeatedly fail may conclude they are incapable of improving their performance.

Think about it: if you fail over and over, you will want to give up and stop trying.

This is especially true for new business owners.

One of the reasons we developed the Grave Care Business course was to help people who are just starting (or thinking about starting) their own Grave Care Business. We believe that helping you over the initial hurdles of starting your business will give you a better chance of long term success.

There is a lot to think about when starting your Grave Care Business. Developing the services you offer, building a strong client base, and structuring your pricing (how much money you will charge for your services) are all subjects you must think about as you start your business. If you try to offer services that people are not interested in, they will not hire you. If you build a weak client base, they will not be long-term customers. If you charge too much (or too little) money, your bottom line will suffer.

The Grave Care Business Course tackles these subjects and many more.

Early success is important. If you are thinking about starting your own Grave Care Business, please read through our website to see all that is included in the course.

We love cemeteries and we love helping other people who want to start their own Grave Care Business.

If you have any questions, please let us know. You can order directly through this website and your order will be shipped promptly.

Cemetery Contracts for 2013

cemetery mowing grounds maintenance
Cemetery Grounds Maintenance Contracts

It is time to bid your Cemetery contracts.

In addition to the people that start grave care businesses providing floral decorating, tombstone cleaning, and individual plot maintenance, we also help people who want to provide wide-scale cemetery upkeep.

This side of the grave care business is largely comprised of mowing, trimming, and general landscape maintenance. For most large cemeteries, this work is bid out on a contract basis and will allow you (if you bid correctly) to make great money for your work. Cemetery landscape maintenance contracts are normally bid during the first quarter of the year. Generally, cemetery contracts are drafted either by a cemetery management companies or a city/county government agencies that oversee cemeteries.

Our Grave Care Business tutorial provides provides a very good section that deals specifically with bidding on cemetery upkeep contracts. Proper bidding protocols must be followed and it is often intimidating for business owners who are new to bidding.

If you are interested in the landscape maintenance side of the business or if you are mainly interested in individual plot maintenance and tombstone cleaning, please click over to out website homepage where you can learn about our Grave Care Business course. If you have any questions for us, please let us know. We are always happy to help.

Spring Time Grave Care – January 2012

Grave Care in Springtime
Springtime Grave Care
Springtime is just around the corner and you have an ideal opportunity to build clients for your Grave Care Business as winter weather dwindles and warmer temperatures make your potential customers realize the importance of proper grave care, plot maintenance, gravestone cleaning, and springtime floral grave decorations.

Though this winter has been mild over much of the country, grave sites and entire cemeteries will need routine maintenance and general sprucing up. Old floral decorations will need to be removed and replaced with springtime colors. Ground erosion needs to be remedied, fallen branches should be removed, remaining leaves need to be blown away, and fresh seed needs to be sown to assure a good stand of grass to beautify the grave plots. Proper grass seed is especial important around plots on a hillside because spring rains often cause problematic erosion.

Managed care cemeteries often do much of this work. However, many of your clients will hire you to perform detailed work to assure it is done right. Also, most cemeteries do not have full-time maintenance crews and grave plots within those cemeteries need additional work to assure they are properly maintained. Families of the loved-ones buried there are willing (especially this time of year) to pay to have a professional do the work for them.

Let’s not forget; Valentine’s Day is February 14 and Easter is April 8. These dates are very important and you will be able to acquire many customers who will pay you to place special grave side decorations to honor their loved-ones.

This is a very important time of the year for your Grave Care Business.

If you haven’t started your grave care business yet, right now is a great time to start. If you need help, we have developed a professionally produced Grave Care Business course that will teach you practically everything you need to know to start a successful Grave Care Business. For more information on the course, please visit our main website:

Grave Care Business Course

Successful Grave Care Business Owner

Grave Care Business Owner
Successful Grave Care Business Owners Get To Work In Beautiful Surroundings
I received a pleasant surprise in my email this morning.

One of our customers who purchased our “Grave Care Business” course was interviewed by The Commercial Appeal.  His business is really doing well and he has been embraced by the cemetery management of one of the major cemeteries in his hometown.  Building a rapport with your the management of your local cemeteries is of vital importance to your business as they will help you quickly build your client list.

The article is located here:  Memphis Grave Care Business Owner

If you have ever thought about starting a business offering grave tending services, our Grave Care Business package is still available from our website.  For full information, please visit:  Grave Care Business