Grave Care Business – A Low Competition, Niche Business


Grave care is a low competition niche business.

I remember a business strategy class I took in college.  The instructor continually maintained that competition is good.  While I agreed with him on the basic factors of the need for competition, in the back of my head I was always thinking: “yes, but a monopoly is better.”

Why is competition good?  Competition breeds innovation.  Competition draws on synergy to create public awareness about a product.

Why is a monopoly better?  Especially for an entrepreneur in a niche business, dominance in a particular product or service allows the entrepreneur to focus on product development, service delivery, and customer relationships.

Some competition is good.  However, in most communities we have visited and studied across the United States (and some of Europe) there is very little competition to this business.  Look around your area.  Can you find anyone offering grave care services?

If you have ever thought about offering Grave Care Services, now is an excellent time to start.  Be the first (or one of the first) in your community to offer grave care services.  Being one of the first gives you a special opportunity to dominate your market segment and quickly build your client base.

We have developed a Grave Care Business course that will help you start and operate a successful Grave Care Business.  

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