Cemeteries, Forest Fires, & Tombstone Cleaning

Cemeteries suffer under a thick canopy of forest fire smoke. Tombstone cleaning needed in the coming months.


Cemeteries suffer under a thick canopy of forest fire smoke. Tombstone cleaning needed in the coming months.

If you live anywhere near the southeast portion of the United States, you are probably aware of the current problem we are having with forest fires. These fires and the smoke they produce are having (and will continue to have) a lasting effect on cemeteries and tombstones. We predict an increased need for proper tombstone cleaning in the coming weeks and months.

The entire southeastern region of the United States has suffered through drought conditions for the entirety of this year. Because of this drought, the entire region is at increased risk of forest fires. The area in which I live is suffering through an unprecedented outbreak of wild fires. These fires are producing thick, choking smoke. Particulate matter in the atmosphere is at record levels. Visibility is near zero.

As the particulate matter in the sky settles, it will leave a film of sticky residue on all it touches. Tombstones and all grave markers will be affected by this residue. Grave care companies will likely see an increase in requests for tombstone cleaning. This is good for grave care business owners. The important aspect of this business is building a strong client base, doing the work properly, and charging the right amount of money so you can build a profitable company.

If you have ever thought about starting your own Grave Care Business, please read through our website. We have developed a professionally produced Grave Care Business Course designed to help you start and operate your own successful grave care business.

You can order the course directly through this website and we will ship it out to you via Priority USPS.

Please let us know if you have any questions.