Father’s Day: 6-21-2009 Grave Care

Around the country this year there are millions of families who have lost their Fathers. Though their Fathers have passed on, they can still buy a perfect Father’s Day present.

What is your experience shopping for Father’s Day?

Whether your experience is fun (because your Dad is easy to shop for) or hard (because he already has everything he needs and he’s not hip to new things) you know how good it feels when he truly appreciates what you have bought (or done) for him.

Father’s Day Gifts and Services

In my family, we often perform services for one another instead of buying the latest gadget at a department store that won’t be used anyway and ends up being a waste of money.  Services for Fathers day used to include mowing the lawn or giving him a day alone just to watch sports on TV.  He always appreciated quiet time.  I even remember one year as gift to my Father I installed a shower head that had awaited installation for 6 months.  Sometimes the services were a big hit and it was always a great feeling knowing I had given him something he truly cherished.

Grave Care is the Perfect Gift

Around the country this year there are millions of families who have lost their Fathers.  Though their Fathers have passed on, they can still buy a perfect Father’s Day present.

If you have read our Grave Care Business Program you already know the importance of special days for your customers.  Father’s Day is a perfect example of a time when you can advertise special services and promotions for your business.  Don’t lose sight of the fact that grounds maintenance, photography, and Father’s Day Card (message delivery) services are very much in demand for Father’s Day.  Your Grave Care Maintenance customers may not be aware that you offer these services.  Elderly spouses may not be able to physically visit their husband’s gravesite.  Younger family members may have moved away and are not able to visit the gravesite nearly as much as they wish.  These are the customers you need to cater to.  They are the ones truly in need of your services.
Start your Grave Care Maintenance promotions now to let you current and prospective customers know of all the services you offer specifically for Father’s Day.

Purchase the Grave Care Business program

If you have not yet started your Grave Care Maintenance Business, right now is a great time to start.  Get started on the right foot with our Grave Care Business program available through our website:
The complete program is on sale right now.  Visit our homepage for more information.

No Excuses

So, you’ve decided to start your own grave care business.

Grave Care Business – No Excuse Not To Start Now

So, you’ve decided to start your own grave care business.  You’ve decided to start your own grave care business during the worst economic recession in our lifetime.  Gas prices remain at historic highs and financial lending institutions hold iron fists over money loans that were so easy to qualify for only 12 months ago.

Now, some entrepreneurs have marched into business ownership in easy times – times of economic stability when money flowed easily and all you needed to do was perform satisfactory service to be successful. Other entrepreneurs have received their business licenses in times of trial and upheaval, when the very foundations of our small-business economy has been shaken. 

It should be clear by now the category into which all of you fall.

For many small-business entrepreneurs starting their own businesses, these challenges are felt in more personal terms. Perhaps you are starting a grave care business because you have given up looking for a job – or you’re struggling in a failing career path in this struggling economy. Maybe you have a job but you need extra money to help with unexpected bills or credit card debts.  Maybe you have always been intrigued with cemeteries and gravestones and you want to explore your fascination while making a nice income.  Maybe you just want a better life for yourself – a life where you can be the boss and dictate your own destiny – a destiny where you can expect more than just a 9 to 5 and a paycheck every two weeks.

In the face of our current economic challenges, it may be tempting to fall back on a typical work path.  You may find yourself saying “why bother” and continuing with the same day-in day-out unfulfilling job just like your friends do and your parents (or children) expect you to follow..

You can take that road and it may work for you. But at this difficult time, that approach won’t get you where you want to go in your life.  You have an entrepreneurial spirit.  It can’t be taken away from you. And no amount of outside influence should keep you from your goal of starting your own business and creating your own destiny.

The businesses we revere and the business leaders we admire didn’t sit back and wait for a perfect economy.  They didn’t twiddle their thumbs awaiting a gold-lettered invitation to join the entrepreneurial class.  They didn’t let naysayers influence them to give up on their dreams just so they could become another hourly employee working for a faceless corporation making money – and making a destiny – for someone else instead of themselves.

Many of our current challenges are unprecedented. There are no standard remedies, or go-to fixes this time around.  But, like those you admire, you should not let the obvious obstacles of today’s world block your path. 

Yours is the great American story – the story of starting a business in uncertain times – the story of taking your life and your destiny in your own hands when so many around you are drowning in self-pity and despair.

So now, it is abundantly clear that you need to take your direction and start doing things a little differently. In your own life, you need to adapt to this continuously changing economy,  keep gaining new skills, and keep taking risks as new opportunities arise.

I know starting a new business in troubled times is a challenge. But it is also a privilege and it is the greatest opportunity you may ever have.  Times like these that force us to try harder, work smarter, to discover paths we never knew existed.   Greatness lies within you. So don’t ever shy away from your entrepreneurial spirit.  I can promise that you will be forever better if you take the small steps now to start a business of which you’ve always dreamed.


The GraveCareBusiness.com business package is designed to help you start and operate a successful Grave Care Business.  Visit our home page to learn more about the business.  The business program is currently on sale for under $30 and will be shipped promptly as soon as we receive your order.