Cemeteries such as Arlington and other National Cemeteries have dedicated crews who spend many hours placing decorations on the graves of soldiers. However, most other cemeteries rely on family members to pay special respect to soldiers. Unfortunately, family members are sometimes unable to visit the gravesites of their loved ones. If spouses are in ill-health or family members have moved away, grave sites are often neglected.
If you have ever thought about starting a Grave Care Business, Memorial Day is a perfect time to start.
There is a great need for Grave Care Businesses. The services you offer include: grave site decoration for special days (such as Memorial Day), tombstone cleaning, plot maintenance, and many other services. We have developed a comprehensive training tutorial that will teach you how to start, expand, and successfully operate a Grave Care Business.
For more information, please click the “Grave Care Business” link at the top of this page.
If you’re late starting your business, don’t worry. There are plenty of other holidays – such as Father’s Day in June.