Neglected Cemeteries – Mowing Graves for Money!

Plot Maintenance and Grass Cutting services will greatly increase your profitability and allow you to make much more money in your Grave Care Business.

Grave Mowing in a Cemetery

Whether you are mowing single plots with a push lawn mower or maintaining an entire cemetery using heavy-duty equipment, grave care is a rewarding and profitable business.

Grass and greenery grow with abandon now we’re into the summer months.  By operating your own business, you are able to choose which services you provide to your clients.  Plot Maintenance and Grass Cutting services will greatly increase your profitability and allow you to make much more money in your Grave Care Business.

High on your list of recommended services, plot maintenance and grass cutting will allow you to make a lot more money during the summer months, and will also help you attract more clients for your other grave care services.  

We see this every year even in the most finely maintained cemeteries; ground crews are simply unable to keep up with the growth of grass and other greenery.  Family members who want to visit their loved-ones’ gravesites for Father’s Day, July 4th, and other summer holidays are often met with high growth and unattractive gravesites.   

Quite simply, landscaping crews cannot keep up.

Overgrown Cemetery

The overgrowth problem is even worse in smaller cemeteries maintained by volunteer caretakers and in cemeteries that are neglected.  The need for proper plot maintenance goes far beyond beautification.  It is important to manicure grass within a cemetery for aesthetic beauty but it also enhanses the experience of family members visiting their loved-ones grave. 

No one wants to be forced to walk through tall grass to visit the cemetery.  Long grass obscures gravestones making them difficult to read and it overwhelms grave flowers placed by the family.  Tall grass harbors ticks and increases the potential for snakes and rodents.  Families should not be forced to deal with the unattractiveness and potential problems of a neglected gravesite.

It is a great opportunity to start a business.  Family members (adult children and spouses) want proper maintenance for their loved-ones’ grave.  It is important to them and they are willing to spend good money for proper maintenance.  The business can be larger than individual gravesites.  Entire cemeteries need to be maintained.  City Counsels and Cemetery Boards will sublet contracts.  For you to turn this into a business, you need to know the finer details of cemetery maintenance and how to price your services.

Your Own Grave Care Business

Have you ever thought about starting your own Grave Care Business?  We have developed a course designed to help you start and operate your own business.  Plot Maintenance is only one of the services to offer your clients.

We teach you: 
How to get clients: Individual Grave Plot and Contracts for Entire Cemetery Maintenance

The correct equipment to purchase: Small Push Mowers to Wide-Area Mowing Machines we teach you the best equipment to get.
Proper protocols to follow: Grave Plot Maintenance is different from residential mowing.
How to interact with Cemetery Management: don’t neglect these tips. 

Pricing: The course includes Estimating Software to help you calculate prices so you can make more money.

The correct equipment to purchase: Small Push Mowers to Wide-Area Mowing Machines, we teach you the best equipment to buy.
Proper protocols to follow: Grave Plot Maintenance is different from residential mowing. There are rules you need to follow.
How to interact with Cemetery Management: don’t neglect these tips. 

Pricing: The course includes Estimating Software to help you calculate prices so you can make more money.

The entire Grave Care Business Course is only $259.95.  Learn more about the course on our “Course Description” page.

We ship promptly and if you have any questions, please let us know.  We are passionate about cemeteries and always happy to answer your questions.

Grave Care - Cemetery Mowing
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Grave Care - Cemetery Mowing
Grave mowing for cemetery maintenance is a needed service. Families will pay good money for proper grave care services.
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