Grave Care Entrepreneurs are Straining at their Slips

This morning, one of my Facebook friends posted the following quote:

I see you stand like greyhounds in the slips,

Straining upon the start.

The game’s afoot;

Follow your spirit:…

The original context of the Shakespearean reference was a message to soldiers preparing for battle.  But, this morning I was thinking of it in terms of entrepreneurs who are “straining upon the start” to become business owners.

As I write this, it is early on a cold crisp February morning.  The world is still sleepy but soon the sun will rise and everyone will come to life.  Likewise, the year is still early.  We made it past January and the year is beginning to come to life.

The year is still new.  Maybe your New Year’s Resolutions have begun to fade.  However, if you are an entrepreneur who thinks about starting your own business, I want to give you encouragement to start RIGHT NOW.

January passed by in a flash.  If you let it, February will pass by just as quickly.  And then March…and then April…and then May.  Don’t let the whole year pass you by.  Seize it right now!

If you have ever thought about starting your own business and if you have a love of cemeteries, a Grave Care Business is a wonderfully rewarding business to start.

By starting a Grave Care Business, you can choose your own hours, perform your work in beautiful surroundings, and operate a profitable and fulfilling business.

We have developed a professionally produced business course designed to help you Start & Operate your own Grave Care Business.  To learn more about the course and order it, visit our main webpage:

I love the line “straining at the start.”  I think most entrepreneurs can relate.  We’re all straining like greyhounds in our slips…barely able to contain our excitement.  I understand it.  I’ve been there.  I’m excited to help you get started.

Let me know if I can help or answer any questions. – Keith

Grave Care Entrepreneurs are Straining at their Slips
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Grave Care Entrepreneurs are Straining at their Slips
Entrepreneurs are straining, excited to start their own Grave Care Business.
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